The Community Military Appreciation Committee (CMAC) will present Vancouver’s Memorial Day Observance Monday, May 27, 2019, at 11 am, at the Bandstand on the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site Parade Ground. CMAC has organized this event with help from its partners: the City of Vancouver, National Park Service (NPS), and Waste Connections,
The event features keynote speaker County Councilor Gary A. Medvigy, Major General US Army (Retired) after 33 years of active and reserve service
Retired Army Colonel Larry J. Smith will be the Master of Ceremonies. Speakers at the event will include Superintendent Fortmann, Vancouver Mayor Ann McEnerny-Ogle, Clark County Council Chair Eileen Quiring, and, Vancouver Police Officer Rey Reynolds will sing the National Anthem. There will be a dove release and color guards, as well as military medleys played by the 204th Army Band. Complimentary hot dogs and light lunch items will be available to the public, courtesy of the Vancouver Lions, Red Cross Cascades Region, and the Military Officers Association of America.
C-Tran busses #25, 32, and 37 will provide transportation directly to the Bandstand that day. Parking is available at Hudson’s Bay High School, where attendees may ride a C-Tran shuttle to and from the event site.
There will be a National Park Service Soldiers’ Bivouac re-enactment on the Parade Ground after the ceremony until 3 pm. This re-enactment will showcase costumed volunteers portraying many periods in the site’s military history. Additionally, the Vancouver Barracks Military Association will display antique military vehicles.
CMAC is an all-inclusive group composed of members representing youth, education, civic, military, veterans groups, and local governments. CMAC executes and plans community-wide events, such as Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Our Community Salutes, and POW/MIA Day ceremonies, as well as recognition and support of military families of all services.
The Community Military Appreciation Committee (CMAC) will present Vancouver’s Memorial Day Observance Monday, May 27, 2019, at 11 am, at the Bandstand on the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site Parade Ground. CMAC has organized this event with help from its partners: the City of Vancouver, National Park Service (NPS), and Waste Connections,
Retired Army Colonel Larry J. Smith will be the Master of Ceremonies. Speakers at the event will include Superintendent Fortmann, Vancouver Mayor Ann McEnerny-Ogle, Clark County Council Chair Eileen Quiring, and, Vancouver Police Officer Rey Reynolds will sing the National Anthem. There will be a dove release and color guards, as well as military medleys played by the 204th Army Band. Complimentary hot dogs and light lunch items will be available to the public, courtesy of the Vancouver Lions, Red Cross Cascades Region, and the Military Officers Association of America.
C-Tran busses #25, 32, and 37 will provide transportation directly to the Bandstand that day. Parking is available at Hudson’s Bay High School, where attendees may ride a C-Tran shuttle to and from the event site.
There will be a National Park Service Soldiers’ Bivouac re-enactment on the Parade Ground after the ceremony until 3 pm. This re-enactment will showcase costumed volunteers portraying many periods in the site’s military history. Additionally, the Vancouver Barracks Military Association will display antique military vehicles.
CMAC is an all-inclusive group composed of members representing youth, education, civic, military, veterans groups, and local governments. CMAC executes and plans community-wide events, such as Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Our Community Salutes, and POW/MIA Day ceremonies, as well as recognition and support of military families of all services.
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