∗ Indicates Board Meeting directly following regular CMAC meeting.
Guest Speaker at this meeting will be Bernie Deazley. He will become the new (and first) Executive in charge of the Vancouver Campus of the VA.
Bernard G. Deazley, IV was appointed as the Assistant Director VA Portland Health Care System (VAPORHCS) in January 2014. Prior to his appoint-ment, Mr. Deazley served as the Executive Assistant to Chief of Staff at VAPORHCS. Mr. Deazley joined the VA through the student studies program following graduate school. During his VA tenure, Mr. Deazley has held positions of progressive responsibility in research and development, primary care, mental health, operative care and the executive staff. Mr. Deazley has also served at the VA Puget Sound Healthcare System.
Mr. Deazley is a graduate of the Annenberg Leadership Institute and VHA’s Healthcare Leadership Develop Program. Mr. Deazley received his Bachelor of Science degree from Willamette University (Salem, Oregon) and earned his Master of Public Administration degree at the Lewis & Clark College (Portland, Oregon).
Mr. Deazley is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives.
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